Position | College Associate Professor |
Scientific degree | PhD. |
Direct phone number | |
Phone extension | 18569 |
Discipline classification of the research area | Language in the Humanities |
Room | II/233 |
Subjects taught |
Romology 1.; Romology 2.; Integrative, inclusive pedagogy in the education of the Gypsy/Roma children; The religion of the Gypsyes. Beliefs, folk religiosity, religious practice; Social pedagogy and organizational development in Roma communities; The situation and illustration of the Gypsy/Roma in the second half of the 20th century in Hungary; Social differences and inequalities; Sociology and ethnography of the local social groups; Hungarian cultural and social history; History of society and culture; Introduction to the research methodology of social history, ethnography and cultural anthropology 1.; Introduction to the research methodology of social history, ethnography and cultural anthropology; Introduction to the research methodology of community, settlement, media and cultural research 1.; Intoduction to the research metodology of community, settlement, media and cultural research 2.; History of Civilization and Society 1., History of Civilization and Society 1.; Sociology of Minorities; Family sociology; Lifestyle History 1.; Lifestyle History 2.; Human and Social Knowledge Teaching Methodology 1.; Human and Social Knowledge Teaching Methodology 2.; Family and Minority Sociology 1.; Family and Minority Sociology 2.; Methodology of teaching the field of education of man and society 1.; Methodology of teaching the field of education of man and society 2.; Family and Youth sociology; Field of knowledge teaching practice 1.; Field of knowledge teaching practice 2.; Social and Lifesyle History 1.; Social and Lifestyle History 2.; Social and Lifestyle History 3.; Social and Lifestyle History 4.; Human and Society Literacy Teaching Practice 1., Human and Society Literacy Teaching Practice 2.; Thesis consultatiton 1.; Thesis consultation 2; Thesis consultation 3. |
Institutional mandates |
The Debrecen Reformed Theological University (DRTU) Member of the Scientific and Arts Committee; DRTU Editor of the Mediarium. |
Professional assignments |
Member of the Hungarian Cultural Anthropological Association; Member of the Hungarian Ethnographic Society; Member of The István Győrffy Ethnographic Association; Association of Primary and Pre-school Teacher Training Colleges: Member of the Social Sciences section; Reformed Church in Hungary Member of the College of Doctors. |
CV |
●1988: Debrecen Kossuth Lajos University of Arts and Sciences, Faculty of Humanities: Hungarian Language, Literature and History Hungarian Literature in the 20th century: specific training ●2004: ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences: sociology, minority sociology-romology specialisation ●2005-08: DE Faculty of Humanities: Multidisciplinary Faculty of Humanities Doctoral School Ethnographic doctoral programme. Peoples and cultures in the Central and Eastern Europe sub-programme ●2011: University of Debrecen Faculty of Humanities: Ph.D. (ethnograpic and cultural anth-ropological sciences) The title of the thesis : Ethnographic aspects of the gipsy/roma identity and the roma representations ●Research areas: identity constructions and representations, ethnographic and cultural anthropological discourses, ethnographic and cultural anthropological aspects of the Gypsy/Roma identity and representations, discourse system of the Gypsy/Roma identity and representations |
Publications |
a) The most important publications (10 pieces): Compression and frame. An interpretation of Lívia Gyarmathy’s film. Tabula, Volume 7. Number (2004/2), pp. 333-340. Annotated bibliography of books of folk knowledge and “roma-pedagogical” textbooks, study collections and summary work. Compilation and Presentations. In Tivadar Fátyol– Gábor Fleck– Edit Kőszegi – Péter Szuhay (ed.): The virtual house of the Gypsy culture. Ministry of Youth, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. Phare, “Creating a Comprehensive Society” program. Budapest, 2006. Approximately: pp. 1-200. DVD-ROM. Gypsy/Roma identity constructions. In Gábor Wilhelm (ed.): Tradition and originality. Tabula books 8. Budapest, Museum of Etnography, 2007. pp. 198-216. Narrative structure, discourse types, narratives and textualization strategies. Mediárium, Volume 2. Number (2008/3-4), pp. 82-92. Textual sources of Gypsy representations in the Ethnographic Database of the Déri Museum in Debrecen. Ethnica, Volume 11. Number (2009/2), pp. 37-43. The visual sources of ethnographic Gypsy representations in the Ethnographic Database of the Déri Museum in Debrecen. In Márta Magyari (ed.): The Yearbook of the Déri Museum in Debrecen. Annales Musei Debreceniensis de Friderico Déri nominati. 2008-2009. Hajdú-Bihar County Museums Directorate. Debrecen, 2010, pp. 117-124. Gypsy culture and sacrality in the 20th century, in an ethnographic context. Mediárium, Volume 5. Number (2011/1-2), pp. 5-14. Gypsy/Roma folk knowledge approaches. Mediárium, Volume 6. Number (2012/4), pp. 55-68. Ethnographic gypsy photographs in the Déri Museum in Debrecen. Romological booklets 3. Debrecen Reformed Theological University, Debrecen, 2019. 5-71. Gypsy/Roma musical and stage representations in Hungary in the Sunday Newspaper 1874-1991. In: Sára Bodó – Ede Horsai (ed.): “I believe in the triumphant power of the word!” Studies on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Károly Fekete. Acta. Theological studies in Debrecen. Volume 14, Debrecen Reformed Theological University, Debrecen, 2020. 339-351. |