Dr. Kustár Zoltán

DRHEDr. Kustár Zoltán



Dr. Kustár Zoltán




Head of Department, Professor

Scientific degree

PhD., dr. habil.

Direct phone number

+36 52 518550|+36 52 518-519

Phone extension


Discipline classification of the research area

Theological Sciences



Subjects taught

Biblical Hebrew
Methodology of Old Testament Exegesis
Introduction to the Old Testament
Old Testament Exegesis

Institutional mandates

Regular member of the Council of the Doctoral School
Member of the Habilitation Council
Member and Consultant of the Doctoral School
Tutor of students in religious degree programmes
Programme coordinator for the Teacher of Reformed Faith and Ethics postgraduate training programme
Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Szegi Piroska Memorial Foundation
Member of the Board of Trustees for the Foundation for Ministry Training in Debrecen
Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Pastor Böszörményi Jenő and His Wife Memorial Foundation

Professional assignments

Member of the Old Testament section of the Committee for the Care of the Text (Hungarian Bible Society)
Member of the Gesellschaft für Evangelische Theologie
Member of the Association of Hungarian Hebraists
Member of the Religious Studies section of the Debrecen Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Member of the RCH Doctors’ College
Member of the RCH General Synod Court
Member of the Doctoral Council at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Debrecen
Member of the Habilitation Council at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Debrecen
Member of the Doctoral and Habilitation Council of the University of Debrecen
Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Both Antal Theological and Cultural Foundation
Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Dr. Halász Tibor – For The Reformed College in Debrecen Memorial Foundation


Zoltán Kustár 

(certified theologian, Reformed minister)

Personal information
Time and place of birth: Debrecen, 25th December, 1968
Marital status: married, with three children.
Place of employment, academic post: Debrecen Reformed Theological University, professor, head of department

1988–1993: Theological studies at the Debrecen Reformed Theological Academy (today: Debrecen Reformed Theological University)
1991–1992: Theological studies at the Theological Faculty of the University of Basel with the scholarship of Swiss Interchurch Aid (HEKS)
1993–1996: Theological studies in Germany at the Theological Faculty (Halle a. S.) of the Martin–Luther University of Halle–Wittenberg (Halle a.S., Germany) with the scholarship of the Evangelical Church of Germany (EKD). Individual research on the topic of his PhD thesis in the field of Old Testament Exegesis, under the supervision of Professor Dr. Ernst–Joachim Waschke
1996: appointed Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Old Testament Studies, DRTU
1997: thesis defended at the Theological Faculty of the Martin–Luther University of Halle–Wittenberg (Halle a.S., Germany)
1999: appointed Associate Professor at the Department of Old Testament Studies, DRTU
10/08/2000 – 15/10/2000: Middle–Eastern research trip (Syria, Jordan, Israel) with the scholarship of and organised by Das Deutsche Evangelische Institut für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes
2000–2003: János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; the end–of–the–year professional reports, as well as the final professional report were qualified “Excellent”.
2001: appointed Head of Department at the Department of Old Testament Studies, DRTU
2003–2005: Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at DRTU
2003 –: teaching Biblical History of Religion at the Faculty of Music, University of Debrecen
2007: habilitation at the Lutheran Theological University, Budapest (Hungary)
2009: appointed Professor with the recommendation of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee
2009–2014: leader of the Old Testament team in the second revision of the new Protestant Bible translation (1975). Publication: Hungarian Revised New Translation (2014)
2011–2017: Vice Rector of DRTU
2011: awarded “The Book of the Year” by RCH General Synod for his monograph A héber Ószövetség szövege. A masszoréta szöveghagyományozás és annak megjelenítése a Biblia Hebraicában [“The Text of the Hebrew Old Testament. Masoretic Transmission of Text and Its Portrayal in the Biblia Hebraica”], Budapest: Kálvin, 2010.
2017–2020: Rector, DRTU


a) Major publications:
Books and book chapters:

Kustár, Zoltán – Repelik Gábor: A bibliai arámi nyelv alapjai [Basics of Biblical Aramaic] (DÓTTF 8), Debrecen: Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem, 2019, ISSN: 1786-0814, ISBN: 978-615-5853-17-3, 104 p
Kustár Zoltán: A héber Ószövetség szövege. A masszoréta szöveghagyományozás és annak megjelenítése a Biblia Hebraicában [“The Text of the Hebrew Old Testament. Masoretic Transmission of Text and Its Portrayal in the Biblia Hebraica”], Budapest: Kálvin, 2010, ISBN: 978–963–558–140–5, B5, 460 pp.
Kustár, Zoltán: „Durch seine Wunden sind wir geheilt.” Eine Untersuchung zur Metaphorik von Israels Krankheit und Heilung im Jesajabuch (BWANT 154), Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer, 2002, ISBN: 3–17–016973–4, 259 pp.
Kustár, Zoltán: A Krónikák könyve. A mű előállása, tanítása, szövegállományának és kanonikus forrásainak szinopszisa (DÓTTF 2) [“The Book of Chronicles. Formation, Teaching and Synopsis of Its Textual Substance and Canonical Sources”], Debrecen: Debrecen Reformed Theological University, 2002, ISBN: 963–9322–10–5, 159 pp.
Kustár, Zoltán: A héber Ószövetség szövege. Kézikönyv a Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensiához [“The Text of the Hebrew Old Testament. Handbook to Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia”], Debrecen: Debrecen Reformed Theological University, 2000, ISBN: 963–8429–28–3, 187 pp.
Kustár, Zoltán: Nazir traktátus. A názírokról [“Tractate Nazir. Concerning Nazirs”], in: Etelka Görgey (ed.): Törpék az óriások vállán. Válogatott Misna–traktátusok. Sárospatak: Sárospatak Reformed Theological Academy, 2010, ISBN: 978–963–880–909–4, pp. 173–221.
Kustár, Zoltán: „Ein Bethaus – für alle Völker?“ Tempel, Völker und das prophetische Heilsuniversalismus im ersten Makkabäerbuch, in: Xeravits, G. G. – Dušek (eds.): The Stranger in Ancient and mediaeval Jewish Tradition. Papers Read at the First Meeting of the JBSCE, Piliscsaba, 2009. (Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies 4) Göttingen: de Gruyter, 2009, ISBN: 978–3–11–022203–6., pp. 118–138.
Kustár, Zoltán: Próféták, költők, redaktorok: Ámósz idegen népek elleni próféciájának hagyományozás–története (Ám 1,3–2,16*) [“Prophets, Poets, Redactors: The History of Transmission of Amos’s Prophecy against the Foreign Nations (Amos 1:3–2:16*)”], in: Zoltán Kustár (ed.), „Mint folyóvíz mellé ültetett fa…” Emlékkötet Dr. Módis László professzor … tiszteletére, Debrecen: Debrecen Reformed Theological University, 2003, ISBN: 963–8429–40–2, pp. 63–85.


Kustár Zoltán: „Ha elenyészik is testem és szívem…” A 73. zsoltár hozzájárulása a theodicea ószövetségi kérdésköréhez. In: Bodó Sára – Horsai Ede (szerk.): „Hiszek az Ige diadalmas erejében!” Tanulmányok Fekete Károly 60. születésnapja alkalmából. Debrecen: Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem, 2020,  pp. 71–83.
Kustár Zoltán: Hebraica Melii: Adalékok Méliusz Juhász Péter héber nyelvi ismereteinek kérdéséhez annak Jób-fordítása alapján, In: Koltai, Kornélia (szerk.) Schweitzer-lectures. Tanulmánykötet a Magyar Hebraisztikai Társaság által rendezett 2017-es emlékkonferencia anyagából, Budapest: L’Harmattan, Magyar Hebraisztikai Társaság, 2018, pp. 97–114.
Kustár Zoltán: The Motif of the Second Beginning in the Old Testament. Biblical-theological Correspondences between Certain Problematic Old Testament Stories. In: Petra Verebics – Nikolett Móricz – Miklós Kőszeghy (Hrsg.): Ein pralles Leben. Alttestamentliche Studien. Für Jutta Hausmann zum 65. Geburtstag und zur Emeritierung (Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihre Geschichte 56), Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig, 2017, pp. 267–274.
Kustár Zoltán: The Story of Isaiah with his King. The Role of the Hezekiah Narratives in 1–2 Kings and in Isaiah. In: Kókai Nagy, V. – Egeresi, L. S. (ed.): Propheten der Epochen. Festschrift für István Karasszon zum 60. Geburtstag / Prophet during the Epochs. Studies in Honour of István Karasszon for his 60th Birthday (Alter Orient und Altes Testament. Band 426), Ugarit-Verlag, Münster, 2015, pp. 95–111.
Kustár Zoltán: Neue Sichten – neue Schichten. Skizze einer Redaktionsgeschichte des Buches Kohelet. In: Kotjanko-Reeb, J. – Schorch, S. – Thon, J. – Ziemer, B. (Hg.): Nichts Neues unter der Sonne? Zeitvorstellungen im Alten Testament. Festschrift für Ernst-Joachim Waschke zum 65. Geburtstag (BZAW 450), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin – Boston, 2014, pp. 279–292.
Kustár Zoltán: Az új protestáns bibliafordítás (1975) folyamatban lévő revíziója és annak ószövetségi vonatkozásai [“The Ongoing Revision of the New Protestant Bible Translation (1975) and Its Old Testament Concerns”], Theologiai Szemle 54 (2011/3), pp. 138–147.
Kustár, Zoltán: A zarándokünnepek reformja Jósiás korában. A Deut 16,1–17 magyarázata [“The Reform of Pilgrim Festivals in the Age of Josiah. The Interpretation of Deut 16:1–17”], Studia Biblica Athanasiana 10 (2008), pp. 63–96.
Kustár, Zoltán: Hibátlan–e a Biblia szövege? Adalékok a héber nyelvű Ószövetség hagyományozásának történetéhez [“Is the Text of the Bible Flawless? Contributions to the History of Transmission of the Old Testament in Hebrew”], Debreceni Szemle 16 (2008/3), pp. 320–334.

b) Publication list:

Research projects

Biblical Hebrew Language and Literature
Bible translation
The Transmission of the Old Testament in Hebrew (Biblia Hebraica), the Masorah


„Haus des Gebets – für alle Völker?“ Auseinandersetzung mit dem prophetischen Heilsuniversalismus im ersten Makkabäerbuch. 10th Conference of Theological Fakulties from Central and Eastern Europe and the Netherlands, 20–24/04/2016, Komarno/Révkomárom (Slovakien)
Hebraica Melii. Adalékok Méliusz Juhász Péter héber nyelvi ismereteinek kérdéséhez annak Jób–fordítása alapján [“Hebraica Melii. Contributions to the Issue of Péter Méliusz Juhász’s Hebrew Language Skills, Based on His Translation of Job”]. At the annual regular conference of the Old Testament section of the RCH Doctors’ College, 9–12/07/2017, Debrecen Reformed College
Kálvin János és az Ószövetség [“John Calvin and the Old Testament”]. “Old Testament and Reformation”, academic conference, 11–12/04, DRTU
Az Írás megújuló arca – az új protestáns bibliafordítás 2014–es revíziója [“The Renewing Face of Scripture. The 2014 Revision of the New Protestant Bible Translation”]. Department of Assyriology and Hebrew, Eötvös Loránd University (lecture series at the Bible Studies minor programme), Budapest.
Wáw explicativum a XX. századi magyar protestáns bibliafordításokban [“The Explicative Waw in 20th–century Hungarian Protestant Bible Translations”]. At the annual regular conference of the Old Testament section of the RCH Doctors’ College, 5–7/07/2015, Pápa