Dr. Fazakas Sándor

DRHEDr. Fazakas Sándor



Dr. Sándor Fazakas




 Head of Department, Professor

Scientific degree

PhD., dr. habil., Dr.h.c.

Direct phone number

+36 52 518504 | +36 52 518556

Phone extension

18504 | 18556

Discipline classification of the research area

Theological Sciences


II/214 | II/211

Institutional mandates

Chair of the University Doctoral Committee (2015−2024)
Head of the doctoral school (2015−)
Rector 2005−2011
Chancellor 2005−2011− Leader of the Board of Directors of Debrecen Reformed College
Vice-Rector 2001−2003

Professional assignments

Committee of Social Ethics of Ecumenical Council of Hungarian Churches (chairman)
College of Doctors of the Hungarian Reformed Church (chairman of board of Systematical Theology)
Theological Committee of the Synod of the Hungarian Reformed Church (chairman, 2009−2015)

Gesellschaft für Evangelische Theologie/Germany (2001−; board member 2013−)
CPCE (Community of Protestant Churches in Europe) Expert Group on Ethics  (2005−)
Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik (Berlin/Gütersloh) – Editorial Board (2011−)
WARC EAC (World Alliance of Reformed Churches – European Area Committee) – Theological committee (2002−2006)
Medical Research Council, Committee on Ethics of Science (2002−2011)
Leuenberg Lehrgespräch (2002−2006)
Süd-Ost-Europa Regionalgruppe der GEKE/CPCE( 2006−)
Societas Ethica (2001−)
Karl Barth-Gesellschaft (2003−)


Sándor Fazakas was born in Tîrgu-Mureş/Marosvásárhely (Romania) in 1965. He graduated from the high school in 1984. After graduation, he started his theological studies at the Reformed Faculty of the Protestant Theological Institute in Cluj. In the academic year 1987-88 he attended the German- speaking Saxon Evangelical Faculty of Sibiu/Hermannstadt. He finished his university studies at Debrecen Reformed Theological University (Hungary). He took his first and second Theological examinations with excellent result in 1991 and 1992, respectively. In the academic year 1991/1992 he was a scholarship holder of the Theological Faculty of the University of Münster/Germany (Westfälische-Wilhelms Universität). During this time he studied Systematical Theology and Ethics (under the leadership of H. H. Eßer, W. Neuser, K.-W. Dahm, E. Lessing) and Practical Theology (church development by M. Herbst).

Sándor Fazakas began his pastoral ministry in Milota in 1992. He has been the minister of the Hosszúpályi Reformed Church since 1995. In the same year he started his teaching career as a lecturer at Kölcsey Ferenc Reformed Teacher Training College. He has been a lecturer at Debrecen Reformed Theological University since 1997 where he started his activity as an assistant professor. In 2000 he was appointed to associate professor. He has presented papers at a number of ecclesiastical and theological conferences in Hungary and abroad. Fazakas is a member of several church and academic committees on national and international level.

He did research at Kampen Theological University/Netherlands in October 2000 and at the University of Münster in autumn 2002. Mr. Fazakas obtained the grant of the Johannes Lasco Library Emden/Hardenberg Fellowship /Germany in 2008. In 2011 he obtained the grant for Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2011−2012, 2013 and 2014: research fellow at the University of Münster – WWU/Germany) and 2017 research fellow at the University of Heidelberg with the grant of DAAD/German Academic Exchange Service (Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists)

Sándor Fazakas was appointed to professorship by the president of the Republic of Hungary on 1st September 2004.

The most important achievements of his activities nationally and internationally: as a rector he launched the systematic quality assurance programme of the university; he conducted the university accreditation achieving the grade of excellence in 2009, he developed, introduced and led to Synod acceptance the new order of in-service minister training and the unified system of minister training of the Hungarian Reformed Church. In his theological academic work he has done extensive research on theological and ecclesiastical memory culture and on exploring the legacy of the totalitarian political system from a theological perspective (remembrance, reconciliation, healing memory). He is a frequent presenter at international conferences and scientific panels and represents “an important voice” in the fields of church, religion and society, of Europe and its Christian theological heritage, of Central European experience in social ethics. He is a member of several international scientific bodies and work committees (see section 5).

Fields of research:

relationship of church and state: religions and churches after the change in Central Europe,
religion and the church role in civil society,
ecclesiology: current ecclesiology, ethics and ecclesiology,
social ethics: current challenges of millenary for theology and church,
social ethical aspects of reconciliation and facing historical sins,
European integration: main functions and roles of church and theology in confluent Europe,
medical- and Bioethics,
Ethics of John Calvin and the Reformed Protestantism.



2004 – Award for Excellence for his book titled Emlékezés és Megbékélés (Remembrance and Reconciliation); a shared award by the Synod of the Hungarian Reformed Church and Kálvin János Publishing House
2008 − Grant of the Johannes Lasco Library Emden/Hardenberg Fellowship /Germany
2011 − Grant of Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation/Germany
2017 – Grant of Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists of the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)/Germany
2017 – Honorary Doctor (Doctor Honoris Causa) of the Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca/UBB/Romania


A Reformatio vitae jegyében. Tanulmányok a reformátori teológiatörténet, egyháztan és politikai etika tárgykörében [Under the sign of reformatio vitae. Studies in the field of the History of Reformed Theology, Church Theory and Political Ethics], Kolozsvár, Egyetemi Műhely Kiadó, 2020, 231.o.
»Wohin treibt Europa?«: Anmerkungen zu einem viel diskutierten Thema aus theologisch-ethischer Sicht, in: Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik 64 (2020/2), 83-89.
Vétkeztünk… Egyház a történelmi és társadalmi bűnösszefüggések rendszerében [We have sinned… The church in the context of historical and social sins], Budapest, L’Harmattan Kiadó, 2017, 388 pp.
A protestáns etika kézikönyve (szerk.) [Handbook of Protestant ethics (ed.)], Budapest, Kálvin Kiadó/Luther Kiadó, 2017, 460 pp.
Funktion der Moral für kollektive Identitäten: Eine Verhältnisbestimmung von Zivilreligion und Kirche in Ungarn, in: Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik 60 (1/2016), 48-57.
Was leistet Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit? Einsichten und Erfahrungen aus ungarischer Sicht, in: Fazakas, S. − Plasger, G. (Hg.): Geschichte Erinnern als Aufgabe der Versöhnung (Forschungen zur Reformierten Theologie 5), Neukirchen-Vluyn, Neukirchener Verlag, 2015, 14−34.
Protestantische Identität und gesellschaftliche Gestaltungsaufgabe. Europäische Integration und ›soziales Europa‹ als Herausforderungen des ungarischen Protestantismus, in: Traugott Jähnichen / Torsten Meireis / Johannes Rehm / Hans-Richard Reuter / Sigrid Reihs / Gerhard Wegner (Hg.):  Soziales Europa? Jahrbuch Sozialer Protestantismus, Band 7, Gütersloh, Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2014, 227−245. pp.
A haldoklás szociokulturális kereteinek változásai [The Changes in Socio-Cultural Frames of Dying], in: Fazakas, S. – Ferencz, Á. (Ed.): Ideje van az életnek és ideje van a meghalásnak… Életvégi döntések keresztyén etikai megközelítése [A Time to Live and a Time to Die. End of Life Decisions from a Christian Point of View], Debrecen, SzIK 6, 2014, 45−62. pp.
Kann die Kirche schuldig werden? Überlegungen am Beispiel der Reformierten Kirche Ungarns und ihres Verhältnisses zu ihrem historischen und gesellschaftlichen Kontext, in: theologie.geschichte (Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kulturgeschichte, ISSN 1862-1678),  8 (2013),  URL: http://universaar.uni-saarland.de/journals/index.php/tg/issue/view/23
Opfer – zwischen Metaphorik und Wirklichkeit?, in: ZEE (Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik) 57 (2013/2), 83−88. pp.
Versöhnung als Modell der historischen Aufarbeitung?, in: theologie.geschichte (Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kulturgeschichte),  7 (2012),  URL: http://aps.sulb.uni-saarland.de/theologie.geschichte
Az egyház nevében? A reprezentáció történelmi változásai és jelenkori kérdései [In the Name of the Church? Historical Challenges and Current Difficulties in Representing the Church in the Secular World.], in: Fazakas, S.−Ferencz, Á. (Ed.): „Krisztusért járva követségben…” Teológia−Igehirdetés−Egyházkormányzás. Tanulmánykötet a 60 éves Bölcskei Gusztáv születésnapjára [„So We Are the Emmissaries of Christ…” Theology−Sermon−Church Leadership. Volume Dedicated to Bishop Gusztáv Bölcskei on His 60th Birthday] (Acta Theologica Debrecinensis 3), Debrecen, DRHE, 2012, 445−472. pp.
Erinnern und Versöhnen – 20 Jahre nach der Wende. Erfahrungen und Ansätze aus dem mittel-ost-europäischen Kontext, in: Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik, 54 (2010), 34–46. pp.
Karl Barth im Ost-West-Konflikt, in: M. Beintker/Chr. Link/M. Trowitzsch [Hrsg.]: Karl Barth im europäischen Zeitgeschehen (1935–1950). Widerstand – Bewährung – Orientierung. Zürich, TVZ-Verlag, 2010, 267–286. pp.
Justification and Reconciliation: Considerations from the Churches in Eastern and Central Europe, in: John P. Burgess/Michael Weinrich (Ed.): What Is Justification About? Reformed Contributions to an Ecumenical Theme, Grand Rapids MI, Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2009, 231–247. pp.
Kálvin szociáletikája [The Social Ethics of Calvin], in: S. Fazakas (Szerk/Ed.): Kálvin időszerűsége [The Relevancy of Calvin. Essays on the Lasting Influence of John Calvin in Hungary], Budapest, Kálvin Kiadó, 2009, 104–139. pp.
Öffentliche Relevanz der reformierten Theologie, hrsg. von Michael Beintker/Sándor Fazakas. Studia Theologica Debrecinensis, Sonderheft, Debrecen, 2008, 103. pp.
Emlékezés és megbékélés. A múlttal való szembesülés egyházi és teológiai kritériumai [Remembrance and Reconciliation. Ecclesiological and Theological Criteria of Coping with the Past], Budapest, Kálvin Kiadó, 2004, 198. pp.
Új egyház felé?”- a második világháború utáni református egyházi megújulás ekkléziológiai konzekvenciái [„Towards a New Church?” Ecclesiological Consequences of the Hungarian Reformed Church’s Renewal After the II. World War], Debrecen, 2000, 221. pp.
Igazság és kiengesztelődés [Justice and Reconciliation], in: Theologiai Szemle 51 (2008/1), 11−15. pp.
Links- und Rechtsbarthianer in der reformierten Kirche Ungarns, in: M. Leiner/M. Trowitzsch (Hg.): Karl Barths Theologie als europäisches Ereignis, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008, 228–235. pp.
Vezetés és menedzsment az egyházban és a diakóniában [Leadership and Management in the Church and it’s Charitable Organisations] (Szerk/eds.), Budapest, Kálvin Kiadó, 2008, 138. pp.
Chiesa e Stato nel contesto di una società postsocialista in transformazione, in: Filosofia e Teologia. Rivista quadrimestrale. Edizione Scientifiche Italiane 21 (2007/2), 283–296. pp.
Wirklichkeit wahrnehmen. Die ungarische Kirchen vor neuen Herausforderungen / Discerning Reality. The Hungarian Churches face New Challenges, in: M. Friedrich/H.J. Luibl/Chr. Ruth-Müller (Hg./eds): Theologie für Europa. Perspektiven evangelischer Kirchen/Theology for Europe. Perspectives of Protestant Churches, Frankfurt a. M., Otto Lembeck Verlag, 2006, 177–190/191–203. pp.
Offenbarung, Kirche, Theologie“ Die Pariser Vorträge von 1934, in: M. Beintker/Chr. Link/ M. Trowitzsch (Hg.): Karl Barth in Deutschland (1921–1935). Aufbruch – Klärung – Widerstand, Zürich, TVZ Verlag, 2005, 407–424. pp.
Protestantizmus és/vagy liberalizmus? [Protestantism and/or Liberalism?], in: Confessio 29 (2005/1), 55–62.
Az Európai integrációt segítő teológia témái [Eurorean Integration. Supporting Theological Arguments], in: Confessio 28 (2004/2), 41–51. pp.
Covenanting for Justice – The Reformed Church in Hungary, in: The Ecumenical Review 53 (2001), 485–492. pp.

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