Dr. Ittzés Gábor

DRHEDr. Ittzés Gábor



Dr. Gábor Ittzés




Associate Professor

Scientific degree

PhD, ThD (Harvard)

Direct phone number

+36 52 518553 | +36 52 518511

Phone extension

18553 | 18511

Discipline classification of the research area

Literary Studies (Anglo-American Literature)



Subjects taught

Debrecen Reformed Theological University

Introduction to English 1–3.
English for Teachers  1–2.
Introduction to English for Education 1–2.
English for Education 1–3.
Introdcution to British and American Culture and History 1.
English Writing 1–2.
Translating Theological Texts from English 1–2.



Chruch History 1–2
The Bible and Its Interpreters
New Testament: Text and Context
Introduction to Theology
Christology – Ancient, Modern and Contemporary: The Metaphysics of Incarnation
Classics of Christian Literature
Theological German
Introduction to English Literature
English Literature from the Middle Ages to the Seventeenth Century
Renaissance and Baroque English Literature
English Renaissance Sonnet
John Donne’ Poetry
Milton’s Paradise Lost
Time in Seventeenth-Century English Poetry
Restoration and Eighteenth-Century English Literature
World Literature to Hungarian Majors: Seventeenmth-Century English Poetry
Translation from Hungarian into English
Reading English Specialised Literature 1–2
Research Seminar 2
Academic Writing 2–3
Getting Published in English in the Social Sciences
Cultures, Religions, Ideologies and Values in Society
Values, Religions, Spirituality and Social Work
Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work
Multisiciplinary Approaches to Social Issues 1–2
Project Seminar
Master’s Thersis 1–2

Institutional mandates

Clerk of the Senate’s Ad Hoc Committee for the Accreditation of the Teaching of English and Religious Education MA Program 

Professional assignments

Professional Societies:

American Academy of Religion (AAR)
Sixteenth Century Society (SCSC)
Modern Language Association of America (MLA)
Milton Society of America (MSA)
Professional Society of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Collegium Doctorum (MRE DC)
Hungarian Society for the Study of English (HUSSE)
Hungarian Historical Society (MTT)
Hungarian Association for the Academic Study of Religions (HAASR)
Luther Society of Hungary (MLSz)

Editorial Boards, Committees:
Studia Debreceni Teológiai Tanulmányok (2019–)
Journal of Interdisciplinary Philology (2016–)
Luther Válogatott Művei [Luther’s Works: Hungarian Edition], 12 vols. (Budapest: Luther Kiadó, 2011–) – series editor
Credo (2009–)
National Reformation Memorial Committee of Hungary, Committee for Academic Affiars (EMMI, 2014–2017)
Homiletisch-liturgisches Korrespondenzblatt (2009–2017)
European Journal of Mental Health (2006–2017)
Embertárs (2007–2015)



ThD in Systematic and Historical Theology (Harvard Divinity School, Cambrdige, Mass.)
PhD in English Literature (ELTE BTK, Budapest, Hungary)
MTS (Harvard Divinity School, Cambrdige, Mass.)
MA in English Language and Literature (ELTE BTK, Budapest, Hungary)


Research Grants:

OTKA  K-101928 (Milton Elveszett Paradicsomának jegyzetelt magyar kiadása), senior researcher (2012–2016)
Bolyai János Research Fellowship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2011–2014)
Carl Schurz Fellowship (Gotha Research Library, Gotha, Germany, 2005)
DAAD Doctoral Fellowship (Heidelberg and Erfurt, Germany, 2003–2005)


Publication list:


Research projects

English content


English content